This modular off-grid solar EV charger can be installed in just four hours


This modular off-grid solar EV charger can be installed in just four hours

Campbell, California-based solar-powered EV charger company Paired Power has just debuted a modular, off-grid electric vehicle charger that is powered by a solar canopy.

The company has called its new modular charger PairTree, and it’s a transportable solar canopy with built-in EV charging capabilities. It can be used off grid, but it can also be hooked into the grid if desired. 

PairTree comes in 5 kW units using 10 bifacial solar panels each, and they can be customized with branding, lighting, and media options.

The AC charging station provides Level 2 charging, and 120V outlet panels can be added to support emergency or temporary power.

According to a 2022 McKinsey & Company Report, “On average, each person in the United States travels about 30 miles a day by private vehicle.” PairTree is designed to optimize EV charging loads to deliver up to 75 miles of daily range.

But PairTree supports the integration of up to 40 kWh of lithium iron phosphate batteries, which can can extend the EV’s delivered daily range to up to 230 miles.

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